
由電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處及香港青年協會賽馬會Media 21媒體空間主辦,旨在鼓勵青少年收看內容健康的網上短片,並運用創意、發揮想像力、製作新穎有趣及內容健康的網上短片,推廣健康網上短片的文化、拒絕網上不良遊戲,同時加深公眾對《淫褻及不雅物品管制條例》的認識,避免青少年受網上短片的不良資訊影響。

主題: 迷 Enchanting

1. 推廣健康網上短片文化,鼓勵青少年收看及製作內容健康的網上短片
2. 透過網上短片創作,向大眾尤其是青少年推廣《淫褻及不雅物品管制條例》(香港法例第390章),以提高他們對條例的認識
3. 提醒青少年遠離網上不良遊戲

報名及提交作品: 即日起至4月15日
“Healthy Internet Video Contest” is organized by Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration (OFNAA) and The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Jockey Club Media 21 (M21). The contest aims to encourage young people to watch healthy Internet videos, to produce creative and healthy Internet videos, to spread the culture of healthy Internet video, to say no to violent games as well as to enhance the public’s understanding of the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance (COIAO) and to protect young people against such materials.

Theme: Enchanting

- To encourage youngsters to watch and produce healthy Internet videos
- To promote the COIAO, esp among the youngsters, through video production
- To remind youngsters stay away from violent games

Application and Submission on or before 15 Apr 2018